Gabriela Winkler

WHo, WHat, WHY

Gabriela Winkler – the consultant with expertise

Solves the most complex of problems. She knows not only how and with whom, but also why. She studied natural sciences at ETH Zurich, specialising in earth sciences, cultural geography and spatial planning. She was a member of the Zurich Cantonal Council for 16 years and played an active role in commissions such as planning and construction, as well as energy, transport and environment. As a company founder with over 40 years of experience in communications consultancy and PR, she has a large network of excellent contacts in industry as well as in the public sector at all levels of government.

Short Profile

Own Companies

  • Owner of Winkler Kommunikation GmbH consultancy company for communication at Zurich-Oberglatt, Main areas: Internal Communication, (Leadership-Consultancy, Coaching, Crisis-PR) Political information (public affairs), Corporate Communication.
  • Co-Owner amd Excecutive President of SSW Management GmbH, founded in 1999
  • Co-Owner amd Excecutive President of SSW Webfactory GmbH, founded in 2003

Administrative and foundation board mandates

  • Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates der Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich seit 2013, Mitglied des Leitenden Ausschusses seit  2018, Mitglied des Strategieausschusses seit 2015, Mitglied des Prüfungsausschusses von 2014 bis 2018
  • Co-Präsidentin des Stiftungsrates Chance seit 2014, Mitglied des Stiftungsrates seit 2010
  • Präsidentin des Stiftungsrates GFZ seit 2016, Vizepräsidentin seit 2015
  • Mitglied des Stiftungsrates Innovationspark Zürich seit 2016

Other Functions & Mandates      

  • Lehrbeauftragte ETH Zürich seit 2011 am Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Vice President of «Regionalkonferenz Nördlich Lägern»
  • Co-Präsidentin der Fachgrupppe « Sicherheit » seit   2012

Private life

2 adult children, spends her leisure with her children and friends, reads a lot and is a music lover, as much interested in economical as in environmental questions, in history, natural science, culture and foreign countries.